A Treatise of Human Nature

Table of Contents

David Hume


[Editor's Note: Currently this book is a work in progress. So far only Book I, Part 3 section 16 and below are available. I was here last on September 18th, 2009.]



Book I. Of the Understanding.

Part I. Of ideas; their origin, composition, abstraction, connection, etc.


  1. Of the origin of our ideas [ 2 ]
  2. Division of the subject
  3. Of the ideas of the memory and imagination
  4. Of the connection or association of ideas
  5. Of relations
  6. Of modes and substances
  7. Of abstract ideas [ 2 ][ 3 ]

Part II. Of the ideas of space and time.

  1. Of the infinite divisibility of our ideas of space and time
  2. Of the infinite divisibility of space and time [ 2 ]
  3. Of the other qualities of our idea of space and time [ 2 ]
  4. Objections answered [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ]
  5. The same subject continued [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ]
  6. Of the idea of existence and of external existence

Part III. Of knowledge and probability.

  1. Of knowledge [ 2 ]
  2. Of probability; and of the idea of cause and effect [ 2 ]
  3. Why a cause is always necessary? [ 2 ]
  4. Of the component parts of our reasonings concerning causes and effects
  5. Of the impressions of the senses and memory
  6. Of the inference from the impression to the idea [ 2 ][ 3 ]
  7. Of the nature of the idea or belief [ 2 ]
  8. Of the causes of belief [ 2 ][ 3 ]
  9. Of the effects of other relations, and other habits [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ]
  10. Of the influence of belief [ 2 ][ 3 ]
  11. Of the probability of chances [ 2 ]
  12. Of the probability of causes [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ]
  13. Of unphilosophical probability [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ]
  14. Of the idea of necessary connection [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ]
  15. Rules by which to judge of causes and effects
  16. Of the reason of animals

Part IV. Of the sceptical and other systems of philosophy.

  1. Of scepticism with regard to reason [ 2 ][ 3 ]
  2. Of scepticism with regard to the senses [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 10 ]
  3. Of the antient philosophy [ 2 ]
  4. Of the modern philosophy [ 2 ]
  5. Of the immateriality of the soul [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ]
  6. Of personal identity [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ]
  7. Conclusion of this book [ 2 ][ 3 ]

Book II. Of the Passions.

Part I. Of pride and humility.

  1. Division of the subject
  2. Of pride and humility; their objects and causes
  3. Whence these objects and causes are derived
  4. Of the relations of impressions and ideas
  5. Of the influence of these relations on pride and humility [ 2 ]
  6. Limitations of this system [ 2 ]
  7. Of vice and virtue
  8. Of beauty and deformity [ 2 ]
  9. Of external advantages and disadvantages [ 2 ]
  10. Of property and riches [ 2 ]
  11. Of the love of fame [ 2 ][ 3 ]
  12. Of the pride and humility of animals

Part II. Of love and hatred.

  1. Of the objects and causes of love and hatred
  2. Experiments to confirm this system [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ]
  3. Difficulties solved [ 2 ]
  4. Of the love of relations [ 2 ]
  5. Of our esteem for the rich and powerful [ 2 ][ 3 ]
  6. Of benevolence and anger
  7. Of compassion
  8. Of malice and envy [ 2 ][ 3 ]
  9. Of the mixture of benevolence and anger with compassion and malice [ 2 ][ 3 ]
  10. Of respect and contempt [ 2 ]
  11. Of the amorous passion, or love betwixt the sexes
  12. Of the love and hatred of animals

Part III. Of the will and direct passions.

  1. Of liberty and necessity [ 2 ][ 3 ]
  2. The same subject continued [ 2 ]
  3. Of the influencing motives of the will [ 2 ]
  4. Of the causes of the violent passions
  5. Of the effects of custom
  6. Of the influence of the imagination on the passions
  7. Of contiguity and distance in space and time
  8. The same subject continued
  9. Of the direct passions
  10. Of curiosity, or the love of truth

Book III. Of Morals.

Part I. Of virtue and vice in general.

  1. Moral distinctions not derived from reason
  2. Moral distinctions derived from a moral sense

Part II. Of justice and injustice.

  1. Justice, whether a natural or artificial virtue
  2. Of the origin of justice and property
  3. Of the rules which determine property
  4. Of the transference of property by consent
  5. Of the obligation of promises
  6. Some farther reflections concerning justice and injustice
  7. Of the origin of government
  8. Of the source of allegiance
  9. Of the measures of allegiance
  10. Of the objects of allegiance
  11. Of the laws of nations
  12. Of chastity and modesty

Part III. Of the other virtues and vices.

  1. Of the origin of the natural virtues and vices
  2. Of greatness of mind
  3. Of goodness and benevolence
  4. Of natural abilities
  5. Some farther reflections concerning the natural virtues
  6. Conclusion of this book
